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Tao Science Seminar

Quantum Theory of Soul

July 3rd, 2 pm ET | 11 am PT I 8 pm CET

Dr. Rulin Xiu

Quantum Physicist and String Theorist
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

Explore how to give the soul a scientific definition

Use quantum physics to scientifically study and predict the character, qualities, and behavior of the soul

Learn how and why quantum physics predicts the existence and following characteristics of the soul

Learn about the the experimental verification of some of these predictions

Quantum Theory of Soul

The pursuit of scientific research on the soul has been gaining more attention, but progress has been limited. In this presentation, Dr. Rulin Xiu will present her recent paper with Dr. Zhigang Sha, Quantum Theory of the Soul.


In this work, they explore how to give the soul a scientific definition and use quantum physics to scientifically study and predict the character, qualities, and behavior of the soul. This research continues their previous work on using a new interpretation of quantum physics to study consciousness. The experimental verification of some of these predictions will also be discussed.


Learn how and why quantum physics predicts the existence and following characteristics of the soul:

  1. The soul is the essence of one’s existence, determining every aspect of life.

  2. The soul may continue its journey when the physical body stops functioning.

  3. The soul can be eternal and unlimited despite the limitations of the physical body.

  4. One may connect with, communicate with, and affect other souls remotely.

  5. There exists the “Akashic Records,” a universal quantum vibrational field carrying information, energy, and matter about everything.

  6. Spiritual abilities such as intuition, direct knowing, telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis can be scientifically explained.

  7. The soul gives meaning and purpose to life.


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